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Barbara Gaggl

Barbara Gaggl

Barbara Gaggl has not set their biography yet

Posted by on in Uncategorized


The H2020 PrECISE project has successfully been kicked-off.

Representatives of 9 different partners from 6 different countries participated in the kick-off meeting which took place from 21st - 22nd January at IBM in Zurich. Lots of discussions regarding the future work were going on and plans for the next steps have been made.

For further project information, please have a look at the announcement letter.

Technical Meeting


Hits: 6910

Posted by on in Uncategorized


On 1st January 2016, the Pan-European and American cooperative H2020research project – PrECISE – has successfully started. The kick-off meeting will be hosted by the technical leader IBM in Zurich/Switzerland from 21st – 22nd January 2016. PrECISE aims to improve the detection and treatment process of prostate cancer by developing new computational approaches to exploit next generation molecular data. The proposed software framework will be accessible through a graphical interface that will facilitate its dissemination and use by researchers, clinicians and biomedical industries.


Hits: 6651