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Technical and Advisory Board Meeting in Zurich

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The technical and Advisory Board (AB) meeting in Zurich took place from 11th - 12th April 2018, hosted by ETH Zurich. The first day was dedicated to consortium internal discussions. The agenda of the technical meeting was structured according to the technical work packages, aggregated by the synopsis of all work packages to bridge the networks and the work done in the past 2.5 years. We discussed a clear roadmap in terms of deliveries, task conclusions, challenges and risks for the next months until the project end. The meeting showed, that the results of collaboration within the PrECISE project are encouraging so far.



The Advisory Board members joined us on day 2: 

  • Markus Christen, UZH Digital Society Initiative & Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine
  • Diego Di Bernardo, University of Naples and TIGEM
  • Silke Gillessen, Kantonsspital St. Gallen - Klinik für Med. Onkologie und Hämatologie
  • Hans Lehrach, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
  • Mark Rubin, University of Bern Biomedical Research Department

The discussions were fruitful for the future of the project. In particular, the Q&A session was significant in terms of new perspectives. Overall, the methods developed were positively assessed by the Advisory Board and evaluated as “cutting edge” in cancer research. The PrECISE Consortium has demonstrated to work well and the collaboration between the partners is efficient, and the integration between inputs and factors from different disciplines and tasks goes on.

Sandra Lisa Lattacher studied Medical Information Technology at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and received her master’s degree in Health Care IT in February 2014. Her master thesis deals with methods for indoor position estimation of seismic sources in smart homes by means of neural networks. She has been working for Technikon since April 2014, where her main focus lies on data analysis, pattern recognition and statistical evaluation on PUF data.


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Guest Friday, 25 February 2022